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Our Dark Moon Beltane Birthday Bash!

- Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

A few years ago, our world plundered into darkness when the Coronavirus made it’s appearance. It was a frightening because was unknown, unseen, and killed man, woman, and child. It was an enemy that we ourselves had no control over and had not foreseen. We fought over masks, vaccinations, personal protective equipment, personal freedom, and social injustices. At times, it looked like the world was coming to an end. Like in many pandemics, we rose above as we discovered that despite distance, we were able to communicate and see each other through with the technological advances like the phone, social media, and zoom. We pulled together to move forward as we told our government our grieves, and demand a change in policy. Throughout this pandemic, policies were changed, discarded, and created, vaccinations were created and administered, and people learned that they were no alone. While nothing everything is perfect, we are now coming out of our holes and emerging into the world again. Hopefully, we are on the end of this pandemic.

During the pandemic, Evermoving We Rise was born and founded by our Head Phoenix Miss Nikki. She admired the Phoenix as it was a personal symbol of what she had personally experienced throughout her entire life. The Phoenix told her that we all can be in alignment with Spirit. All we have to do it to shed what is no longer needed, heal, and emerge into the true Soulful beings we are. The process is never easy as it is our Condition Selves that cause to stop growing because of fear of the unknown. All FEAR stands for is False Evidence Appearing Real, which is what our Condition Selves use to stop us from taking that next step into the unknown with faith in ourselves and in Spirit. Due to this concept, not everyone is willing to take the leap of faith in themselves. In response to assisting people to emerge into the Authentic Selves and take the limitations cap off their magick, Evermoving We Rise was born on May 3, 2000. We are a Beltane Baby, and we are coming up on our Second Birthday!

The Dark Moon represents our Shadow, the part of ourselves that normally is not revealed to others. The Shadow is where we, for various reasons, divide ourselves into two selves so we can please the audience with one, and allow the other to remind back stage. The problem is when we divide ourselves, we further suppress our Shadow, resulting in our Shadow growing at a rapid and vast rate, and thus, inviting in depression, anger, sadness, self-sabotage, broken relationships, and so much more. As people believe the Shadow is something that is always negative, they never look for the light or torch in the Shadow that reveals new talents, ideas, and abilities one can use to walk in alignment with Spirit and be at peace with oneself. Shadow Work is necessary as it heals and emerges the two halves together making us better magickal people for ourselves, our family and friends, and our community.

In 2022, the Dark Moon falls perfectly on Beltane (or Samhain in the southern hemisphere), a purity fire festival. Like the snake, this is a perfect time to shred those old ways and habits that no longer serve us to embrace and embark upon the new adventure ahead.

We invite you to join Evermoving We Rise we celebrate the Dark Moon, Beltane, and our Birthday! We will be calling upon Evermoving We Rise Phoenix as we burn off what no longer serves us, and step into a new beginning! Our High Phoenix, Miss Nikki, will be providing divination. We will be celebrating our Birthday! The Zoom Room will open at 8:00 pm EST, and the ritual will begin at 8:10 pm EST. Stay afterwards to chat with our members to find out why We Don’t Fit In The Box!

If you would like to participate in the ritual, you will need the following:

1 Orange Candle to represent fire

Snake Skin or a piece of paper to burn

If you want to learn more about Beltane, please tune in to the podcast Witch Hat Chats hosted by Miss Nikki and Saul Ravencraft.

Don’t forget to stop by our shop Rising Phoenix and Moonlight Potions & Charms for all of your metaphysical supplies and services.

We hope to see you there! If we don’t Have a Marvelous Beltane!

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