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Located in Forest City, NC, our purpose is for our Authentic Selves to emerge so we can serve ourselves and others in alignment with our Soul’s journey, spirituality, and work with the Divine. We will adopt any philosophy, document, belief, way of life, etc. that will continue to be in alignment with our purpose and lifetime commitment. We recognize our organization as a living, breathing entity composed of its members and community. As such, we realize everyone's journey is extremely personal. We are essential to continue development in spiritual growth. We are constantly moving forward as we live up to our name Evermoving We Rise.

Embrace the Power of Your Own Magic!

Step Into Your Authentic Self! Be In Alignment With Spirit! Experience Your Soul's Spiritual Journey With Excitement, Happiness, & Peace!

Our Community Is Important To Us!

Look To See What We Have Been Up To!

Image by Perry Grone
Image by Diego PH


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© 2020-2022 by Nikki Kirby & Evermoving We Rise™.  All rights reserved. **This website is for information only and is not an offering of sale of any security of Evermoving We Rise™ projects. All videos, animations, photographs, drawings, graphic art, products, and documents are the property of  Nikki Kirby & Evermoving We Rise™, and may not be disclosed, distributed, or reproduced without the express written permission of the Nikki Kirby & Evermoving We Rise™. ** 

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