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Message from Hekate - 2-5-22

Writer's picture: Hearth FoxlynxHearth Foxlynx

Updated: Feb 6, 2022

For today's message, I'm going to be using a spread that I saw on a Facebook page this morning. The 'At the Crossroads With Hekate' spread is from Inner Journey Events (I wasn't able to find the exact image location).

Since I am working with Hekate this morning, the deck I am using is the Guardian of the Night Tarot by MJ Cullinane. When I first saw this beautiful deck, Hekate told me to get it for Her, so I did. Not just this deck, but my other MJ Cullinane decks have all been accurate and faithful (please excuse the terrible photo of these cards below). Enough about the deck, let's see what Hekate's Message is for Evermoving We Rise!

  1. Who is Evermoving We Rise at this crossroad? I heard "Phoenix". Four of Swords - Take a break from the busy-ness around you. Seek wisdom from within, your within, not other peoples. They mean well, but you need some solitude to hear yourself, your intuition.

  2. Wisdom of the Maiden? What are the possibilities and dreams? Justice and the 5 of Swords - Carefully weigh those possibilities and dreams before acting. Hekate says, "You're feeling burning with the tug-of-war happening outside of you. Business, classes, family, neighbors, outside forces. Stress is clouding your judgement. Take a break and think about those possibilities and dreams, child." Now the 5 of Swords has three options: The Brute, The Enabler, and The Victim. Hekate has selected the third, in that everyone else in this tug-of-war isn't thinking about your needs, only about themselves. "It's time to stand up for yourself. Stop being complacent and allowing them to push and tug you around. Take a stand and a break, so what if their feelings are hurt? Look at what they're doing to you, and thus what you're allowing to happen to you. Or you can kiss your dreams goodbye."

  3. Wisdom of the Mother? What gifts does Evermoving We Rise bring to the World? I heard "leadership". 9 of Cups, 2 of Wands, and Temperance. Joy and confidence. Boldness and Empowerment. Balance.

  4. Wisdom of the Ancestors? What is the deep wisdom from within? I heard "Ancestors". 6 of Wands and Ace of Cups. Victory! Allow yourself to celebrate your successes in your own way--even if it's just to rest or to play! "The weight of the world, micro or macro, is not yours to bare. You haven't given yourself that joy. Immediately swept up into drama that isn't yours." Feel the joy and allow it to inspire you.

  5. The Path Forward - I heard "dedication and hard work". The Queen of Pentacles. "Ground and breathe. Loving, kind, and nurturing. Listen to our words, our warnings, our support. For if you don't, you will lose those important skills of a Nurturer, supporter, giver. If you want Evermoving to grow and become a safe space for those in need of healing and empowerment, you must listen. Most of all, listen to yourself and nurture your needs. You cannot pour from an empty vessel. Allow the Mother to embrace you, keep your warmth and safe, loved and inspired. Smile."

Did this reading resonate with you? Comment below, either here or in the FB/Twitter/Instagram thread, if it did!

Thank you for your support!

- Oracle Hearth Foxlynx

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